
Webinar: Co-designing engagement with Indigenous peoples for better environmental water delivery: Cultural Values, Protocols and an Indigenous Seasonal Water Calendar

by FLOW-MER • August 28, 2020

Cultural value of a Yellowbelly

by Shjarn Winkle • August 27, 2020

Featured image: “Dhagaay yulaanbi-li nhulaan” – a traditional painting of the Yellowbelly by Gamilaraay artist, Mawu-gi (Brent Emerson). Check out more of Brent’s work on his portfolio Dhagaay, Gagalin, Bidyin, Yellowbelly: An invaluable golden fish Yellowbelly hold cultural values rooted in economics, social and environmental health, spirituality & as good old tasty tucker. These medium-sized […]

Webinar: Identification, characterisation and management of refuge habitat

by FLOW-MER • August 21, 2020

Webinar: Developing an environmental water energetics response model

by FLOW-MER • August 17, 2020

Webinar: Spatial and temporal scales of waterbird movements and habitat use

by FLOW-MER • August 16, 2020

Lower Murray River
Project Updates – July 2020

by PIRSA-SARDI • August 6, 2020

Despite COVID-19 restrictions, the Lower Murray team managed to complete all planned fieldwork. There was an enormous effort by all to accommodate the “new normal”. Our team developed a COVID-19 risk management plan that included risk assessments for each sampling trip and changes to the way we operate for the safety of our team members […]

Understanding what drives food webs, and how environmental flows can
boost energy in riverine ecosystems

by Paul McInerney • August 3, 2020

In 2017, the Environmental Water Knowledge and Research food web theme commenced a field program that set out to examine energy pathways among three habitats of a lowland river floodplain – wetlands, anabranches and the river channel. The work was carried out on the Ovens River in Victoria, and the chief objectives were to determine […]


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