
A boom year for waterbirds in the Murrumbidgee

by FLOW-MER • May 25, 2021
A boom year for waterbirds in the Murrumbidgee Authors: Jennifer Spencer, Kate Brandis, Damian Michael Tens of thousands of breeding waterbirds were recorded in the Lowbidgee Floodplain this season. It has been the largest colonial waterbird breeding event in the Basin this year, both initiated and then supported by water that has been specifically set [...]

Sharing Science Guide: Satellite Tracking of Australian Waterbirds

by FLOW-MER • May 17, 2021

Lower Murray River Project Updates – April 2021

by FLOW-MER • May 11, 2021
Lower Murray River Project Updates - April 2021 Written by PIRSA-SARDI Image: Sampling near Blanchetown. All photos supplied by SARDI. The Lower Murray field season goes from spring to autumn. Most field teams have their work wrapped up now, and are cleaning and maintaining the used gear. Trips yet to be completed for the 2020-21 [...]

Where does it come from- where does it go?

by FLOW-MER • May 7, 2021
Where does it come from- where does it go? A look at the March 2021 Gwydir flows Photo: Entrance to the Gwydir State Conservation Area near the Bunnor Waterbird Lagoon (5 April). Credit - Jane Humphries (CEWH) The northern parts of the Murray Darling Basin have seen some of the driest conditions on record over [...]


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