Scientists inspire the next generation of water managers
Scientists inspire the next generation of water managers Image: Students from Barham Public School attended one of the School Workshops that were held at the Western Murray Land Improvement Group Centre in Barham in December 2020 We know that seeing and experiencing is believing, so if we want to inspire future environmental water managers, we [...]Restarting dry rivers: Risks to water quality
Restarting dry rivers: Risks to water quality Image: Turtles like this fella feeding in the flowing water below Presbury weir on the Barwon River need well oxygenated water to survive. How best do we use water for the environment to restart disconnected rivers? Long dry spells means river channels dry out and can accumulate layers [...]Cultural value of a Yellowbelly
Featured image: “Dhagaay yulaanbi-li nhulaan” – a traditional painting of the Yellowbelly by Gamilaraay artist, Mawu-gi (Brent Emerson). Check out more of Brent’s work on his portfolio Dhagaay, Gagalin, Bidyin, Yellowbelly: An invaluable golden fish Yellowbelly hold cultural values rooted in economics, social and environmental health, spirituality & as good old tasty tucker. These medium-sized […]
Pumped – how flows are revitalising fish, frogs and flowers at Sunshower Lagoon
Authors: Joshua Bruni, Gaye Bourke, Damian Michael and Skye Wassens (Charles Sturt University) Feature image: CSU team heading out to collect nets in the Sunshower Lagoon. Photo credit: Vince Bucello Australian wetlands are home to a variety of native fish, frogs, birds, freshwater turtles and aquatic plants. Wetlands provide their inhabitants with food, shelter, and […]
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