
Flow-MER Fridays

Upcoming Webinar: Basin-scale Vegetation Research Presentation
with Tanya Doody

When: Friday, 31st July 2020, 10:30am AEST


Join us this Friday for our first Flow-MER Friday! This is an opportunity to hear, first-hand, the activities taking place in the Flow-MER Program. Flow-MER Fridays will initially focus on introducing Basin-scale research and then lead to other topics throughout the life of the Flow-MER Program.

In this webinar, CSIRO’s Tanya Doody presents a research project under the Vegetation Basin Theme.

Research Project: Remote sensing trends and temporal responses of woody vegetation to environmental water

Maintaining the extent and condition of woody floodplain vegetation, such as River red gum, Black box, Coolibah and Lignum, are key objectives within the Basin Wide Environmental Watering Strategy. Methods are required to remotely assess and interpret data relating to condition of woody vegetation populations to underpin Basin-scale prioritisation of environmental water and to assist with evaluations of outcomes from watering actions.

This research project will focus on determining critical thresholds of remotely sensed water use that would:

  • provide Basin-scale assessment of the influence of Commonwealth environmental water with data available every 8 days from 2001
  • determine relationships between vegetation response and water regimes/inundation extent across multiple scales
  • inform local and Basin-scale prioritisation of environmental water for woody vegetation outcomes
  • elucidate and quantify the links between vegetation change and hydrology, harnessing remotely sensed inundation mapping in collaboration with the hydrology team.

About Tanya

Tanya is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO. Her core science is to quantify water requirements and determine the water impacts of riparian native and invasive species and plantation forests across Australia, to provide vegetation and water management options to natural resource managers, local industry and government bodies.

Tanya also provides integrative science linking ecological response of riparian vegetation to floodplain inundation and remote sensing to investigate impacts of water reform policy within the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. The aim is to understand what a range of floodplain environmental watering management options might have on vegetation ecosystem function. She has also undertaken several studies using ecological response models to provide management solutions to water managers.

Register for the webinar here:

    The Flow-MER program team acknowledge and respect the Traditional Owners as the First Peoples of the lands and waters of the Murray Darling Basin. We recognise their unique ability to care for Country and their deep spiritual connection to it. We honour Elders past and present whose knowledge and wisdom has ensured the continuation of culture and traditional practices. We are committed to genuinely partner, and meaningfully engage, with Traditional Owners and Aboriginal communities to support the protection of Country, the maintenance of spiritual and cultural practices and their broader aspirations in the 21st century and beyond. In particular we acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the seven Selected Areas where Flow-MER research is focussed.


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