The Basin-scale Flow-MER project is a 6-year investment, designed to:
- demonstrate the outcomes of Commonwealth environmental water across the Basin
- support the adaptive management of Commonwealth environmental water
- support the CEWH to fulfil its legislative requirements under the Basin Plan.
The Basin-scale Evaluation – the successor to the Long Term Intervention Monitoring (LTIM) Project – is undertaken in conjunction with the Flow-MER Selected Area-scale project teams. The Selected Area-scale projects provide data at the Selected Area scale that is used in the Basin-scale Evaluation. Basin-scale Research – the successor to the Environmental Water Knowledge and Research (EWKR) Project – is an investment in new and ongoing research to support environmental water management and inform and enhance Basin-scale Evaluation. Research has been undertaken throughout the Basin.
Flow-MER provides the CEWH with evidence to inform our understanding of how water for the environment is helping maintain, protect, and restore the ecosystems and native species across the Murray–Darling Basin. This evidence exists in the form of publicly available data, models, model outputs and reports. Reports are delivered each year at the Basin-scale and by the Selected Areas. Past reports provide an ongoing record of the outcomes from the delivery of Commonwealth environmental water, as well as the knowledge to inform adaptive management of environmental water.
We produce:
- annual Selected Area reports
- annual Basin-scale Theme evaluation reports
- annual Basin-scale Synthesis report which draws together Theme evaluations and research for the most recent water year, and cumulatively from the start of Flow-MER in 2014–15. Its preparation is managed by CSIRO and accompanied by Basin-scale reports for each Theme. The latest reports are from the 2021–22 water year
- annual Basin-scale Research Summary reports which document Basin-scale research and summarise the intended outcomes from future research. Its preparation is managed by CSIRO and accompanied by Basin-scale research reports.
The Basin-scale Flow-MER Project runs from 2019 to 2025, led by CSIRO in partnership with the University of Canberra, and collaborating with Alluvium, Arthur Rylah Institute, Australian River Restoration Centre, Charles Sturt University, Deakin University, Brooks Ecology and Technology, South Australian Research and Development Institute, and the NSW Department of Primary Industries.