
Flow-MER Fridays: Series 2

Webinar 4: Assessing soil and plants from the sky – a new era in waterway monitoring using drones

Friday, 19th March 2021: 10.30am – 11:30am

Presenter: Dr Geoff Vietz (Streamology), Neil Sutton (Streamology) & David Straccione (CEWH)

Monitoring of waterway ecology and geomorphology have for a long time involved arduous days in the field with lots of time on hands and knees. While at the moment some of you may be missing the inevitable dirt under the fingernails, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or ‘drones’ are changing our approaches and options. Beyond their more common use for pretty aerial pictures, drones have dramatically increased our ability to spatially assess waterway condition as it relates to specific characteristics of river flows. Geoff and Neil will provide an overview of techniques, analysis and opportunities, including relationships to hydraulics, with particular reference to current Flow-MER monitoring in the Goulburn River, Victoria, and Edward-Wakool, NSW.

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Dr Geoff Vietz

Dr Geoff Vietz

Geoff is a waterway scientist and fluvial geomorphologist focused on putting the science into practice. Geoff is the director of the consulting company Streamology, and a senior research fellow at Melbourne University.

Neil Sutton

Neil Sutton

Neil is an environmental scientist with Streamology. Neil leads Streamology’s drone team, piloting and analysing data on waterways throughout Victoria and NSW.

Feature image: Monitoring changes in the banks of the Goulburn River’s using drones.  (image credit: Streamology)


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