
Flow-MER Fridays: Series 2

Webinar 1: Using environmental water to manage for resilience
– the why, the what and the how

Resilience is the ability of a system to ‘bounce back’ after it has been affected by disturbance. Murray-Darling Basin rivers are constantly subject to disturbance from blackwater events, algal blooms, fire, drought, land-use change and water abstraction. One of the objectives of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan is to manage for “Ecosystems resilient to climate change and other risks”.  This webinar explores:

  • Why is ecosystem resilience important?
  • What insights do we have into how resilience functions in the MDB?
  • How might that be achieved?

In this webinar Ross and Nerida discuss the work being undertaken through Flow-MER to help us answer these questions.


Prof Ross Thompson

Ross is a freshwater ecologist, interested in the study of aquatic biodiversity, ecosystem function and food web ecology. Ross is the director of the Centre for Applied Water Science, University of Canberra.

Nerida Sloane

Nerida is an environmental water manager with the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder and is passionate about supporting Australia’s rivers, wetlands and floodplains. Nerida has over 20 years’ experience in the water space specialising in environmental water delivery, wetlands policy and management, water quality policy and projects and river health assessment.

Feature image: Wood ducks in flight over Paika Lake. Photo: Heather McGinness


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