The Murray-Darling Basin supports over 300 frogs and reptiles, many of which are restricted to floodplain environments. Monitoring the ecological responses of frogs to environmental flows is a key objective of the Flow-MER Program’s Murrumbidgee Selected Area. The benefits of flow delivery and environmental water are likely to aid many other wetland dependant vertebrates – including frog-eating snakes – so what can they tell us about water management?
In this webinar, Skye, Damian and Erin share their learnings about wetland dependant vertebrates like snakes and frogs, and their relationship with the delivery of environmental flows.

Assoc Prof Skye Wassens
Skye is the Principal Scientist and an internationally recognised ecologist at Charles Sturt University specialising in aquatic ecology and the conservation of wetland dependant amphibians.

Dr Damian Michael
Damian is a Senior Research Fellow and landscape ecologist at Charles Sturt University with expertise in wildlife conservation and management, and reptile and amphibian ecology. He has a broad background in developing community engagement programs and science communications products.

Erin Lenon
Erin is the Leeton based Local Engagement Officer (LEO) for the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder. She is a floodplain ecologist and has a deep passion for wetlands and river ecosystems. In her work as an LEO she helps deliver and communicate environmental watering activity in the Murrumbidgee catchment
Feature image: A marbled gecko (Christinus marmoratus) climbing a tree branch