

Turtles making the most of the Gingham Waterhole 2015-16.

The Guwayda (Gwydir) Wetlands: A decade of monitoring

by Tamara Kermode & Rebecca Lamb • November 7, 2024
The Guwayda (Gwydir) Wetlands: A decade of monitoring Authors: Tamara Kermode & Rebecca Lamb Featured image: Turtles making the most of the Gingham Waterhole, 2015-16. We acknowledge the Gomeroi/ Gamilaroi/ Kamilaroi/ Gamilaraay Peoples, the Traditional Owners of the Guwayda (Gwydir) River and surrounds. Thank you for sharing your Country and knowledge of the land, water [...]

Introducing Our Gomeroi Cultural Advisor

by Tamara Kermode • October 30, 2023
News From Our Last Cultural Catch-up and Introducing Our Gomeroi Cultural Advisor Author: Tamara Kermode | Traditional Gamilaaraay Language of the Gomeroi nation used in this article (H. White & B. Duncan – Speaking Our Way, M. Mckemey). Kerrie Saunders is our newly appointed Cultural Advisor for the Gwydir Selected Area. Kerrie will be guiding [...]

Gomeroi Warrambools in the Gwydir Wetlands

by Tamara Kermode • August 10, 2023
Gomeroi Warrambools in the Gwydir Wetlands Author: Tamara Kermode | Traditional Gamilaaraay Language of the Gomeroi nation used in this article (H. White & B. Duncan – Speaking Our Way, M. Mckemey). The Gomeroi Peoples Nation uses the traditional Gamilaaray Language, and this is the language the Gwydir Flow-MER team use for our Gwydir Flow-MER [...]

Leaping to It: Yurrayas Jumping in Puddles

by Tamara Kermode • June 14, 2022
Leaping to It: Yurrayas Jumping in Puddles Author: Tamara Kermode Today we are leaping into the waters and finding some Yurraya (Frog in the Gamilaraay language). A study conducted by the University of New England Masters Student, Abdur Razzaque Sarker in collaboration with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE), looked at the patterns [...]

New Cultural Advisors for Gwydir and Warrego-Darling regions

by FLOW-MER • December 15, 2021
New Cultural Advisors for Gwydir and Warrego-Darling regions Gingham Waterhole of the Gwydir Wetlands. Photo credit: UNE. “Our country and our water sustained Aboriginal people since time immemorial and are crucial for our health, our spirit and our web of life, thus the survival of all species” - Liz Taylor A new pilot program in [...]

Where does it come from- where does it go?

by FLOW-MER • May 7, 2021
Where does it come from- where does it go? A look at the March 2021 Gwydir flows Photo: Entrance to the Gwydir State Conservation Area near the Bunnor Waterbird Lagoon (5 April). Credit - Jane Humphries (CEWH) The northern parts of the Murray Darling Basin have seen some of the driest conditions on record over [...]

Bunnor knee-high

When wetlands boom

by Sarah Mika • March 8, 2021
When wetlands boom Written by Dr Sarah Mika Image: Sarah Mika and Darren Ryder in a damp Bunnor wetland, hosting a healthy water couch meadow, December 2014. One of the key concepts of Australian freshwater science is the “boom and bust” nature of Australian inland wetlands. Fledgling scientists are taught that the wetlands cycle through [...]

Gingham Waterhole

A turtles go with no flow

by FLOW-MER • March 8, 2021
A turtles go with no flow Image: Gingham Waterhole of the Gwydir Wetlands following rainfall and environmental flows in 2020. Plenty of water and habitat available to support the diversity of life the wetlands host. The Gwydir River valley is home to a diverse range of aquatic species that rely on flows of fresh water [...]

Using art to explore the cultural significance of our ecological indicators

by FLOW-MER • November 2, 2020

Cultural value of a Yellowbelly

by Shjarn Winkle • August 27, 2020

Featured image: “Dhagaay yulaanbi-li nhulaan” – a traditional painting of the Yellowbelly by Gamilaraay artist, Mawu-gi (Brent Emerson). Check out more of Brent’s work on his portfolio Dhagaay, Gagalin, Bidyin, Yellowbelly: An invaluable golden fish Yellowbelly hold cultural values rooted in economics, social and environmental health, spirituality & as good old tasty tucker. These medium-sized […]


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