
Commonwealth water for the environment supports breeding ducks in the Western Floodplain

by Tamara Kermode • August 10, 2023
Commonwealth water for the environment supports breeding ducks in the Western Floodplain Author: Tamara Kermode | Traditional Paakantyi Language of the Kurnu-Baakandji nation used in this article. (L. A. Hercus – Paakantyi Dictionary). The 2021-22 water year (July 1 – June 30) was the wettest in the Murray-Darling Basin (the Basin) for a decade. In [...]

Gomeroi Warrambools in the Gwydir Wetlands

by Tamara Kermode • August 10, 2023
Gomeroi Warrambools in the Gwydir Wetlands Author: Tamara Kermode | Traditional Gamilaaraay Language of the Gomeroi nation used in this article (H. White & B. Duncan – Speaking Our Way, M. Mckemey). The Gomeroi Peoples Nation uses the traditional Gamilaaray Language, and this is the language the Gwydir Flow-MER team use for our Gwydir Flow-MER [...]

Needle in a haystack – A chance discovery of one of the Murray-Darling Basin’s endangered fish has been made in the lower Lachlan

by Adam Kerezsy • August 7, 2023
Needle in a haystack A chance discovery of one of the Murray-Darling Basin’s endangered fish has been made in the lower Lachlan By Adam Kerezsy | Lachlan Monitoring Evaluation and Research (MER) Program The Olive perchlet – a small, transparent and carnivorous fish – is listed as an endangered species in western New South Wales, [...]


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